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Green Tea

Green Tea


This Green Tea shower cap by So Pretty could be that healthy alternative for your tresses! We all know Green Tea is supposed to be a healthy alternative for tea drinkers with its antioxidants and feel good ingredients. So Pretty has created this elegant Green Tea design shower cap that will be kind to your hair, make you feel good and keep your your hair dry during the process of showering. All these things lead to one happy tea drinker! This is such a beautiful and high end fabric which shimmers in tones of green and khaki. (Hard to pinpoint the colour in this instance!) The raised embroidery is much like a glittery fine stitched rope in daisy style flowers and loopy swirls. It is so lovely I did not feel the need to embellish it any further. This is the advantage of So Pretty Shower Caps being a small private business, purchasing of the fabrics for the range is not limited to cheap and common materials. The So Pretty range of shower caps is ever evolving as I am always on the lookout for unique fabrics that will create those shower caps of style and glamour which you can be proud to own, use and display in your bathroom. Not to mention an ideal gift option for those ladies who seem to have everything…do they have a glam shower cap? I hope you love this design as much as I do, it is rather special and will make you feel that way using it. Just like that cuppa you have after a long day.

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