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Lavender Blue

Lavender Blue


Can a shower cap have a calming effect? Perhaps this design will! Serenity abounds with the Lavender Blue shower cap by So Pretty. Pastel shades of Lilac, Lime, Aqua and Blue combine in swirls that flow at random in this Satin print pattern. All of these colours are very popular individually and can be associated with the concept of relaxation and water. Whether it is having a hot shower after a long day, or spending time by a pool or at the beach, Blues and Greens are associated with water, whilst Lilac is often linked to Lavender, a divine scent often used for relaxation and relaxation products. So the Lavender Blue shower cap adds a touch of serenity to the bathroom even when not in use! The So Pretty Shower Cap is a perfect addition to your bathroom décor, and a practical finishing touch for your bathroom accessories. This pretty shower cap is trimmed with Lilac edging and a contrasting dark Purple ribbon flower. The ribbon flowers are also hand made but outsourced. The flower trims are perfectly made embellishments that suit the So Pretty Shower Caps so well. This is because they can become wet without fear of them being ruined or losing their shape, and dry just as well after use just as the rest of the shower cap does! Sometimes in a Mums busy life, shower time is the only time out we get...so put on your Lavender Blue shower cap, turn on the hot shower and enjoy the time out every day!

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